Stories of Healthy Tomorrows

Christopher Parfree Benefits Hospital Care
Recently, the Foundation received a $102,000 will bequest from Christopher Parfree, formerly of Markdale. A regular donor to the Foundation, Chris remembered local hospitals with a bequest gift in his Will as well. As it turned out, he left 50% of his Estate to the Owen Sound Regional Hospital Foundation, and the remai...
Christopher Parfree

A Legacy Gift Of Over $400,000 Will Make A Difference
Will your children and grandchildren have the medical equipment they might need? You can ensure they will by following the example of Robert Clarence Light. A Last Will & Testament ensures the possessions and assets you have worked hard for throughout your lifetime, will go where you wish. Bob Light did just that! ...
Robert Clarence Light

Ross Thompson
Ross Thompson believes that a vital and up-to-date hospital is key to maintaining a healthy, vibrant community. That is why he has planned to leave most of his estate to the Durham & Community Health Care Foundation. When Mr. Thompson was planning his will with his lawyer he specified that his hometown hospital ben...
Ross Thompson

John and Dorothy MacLeod
Owen Sound residents John and Dorothy MacLeod supported their hospital over many years. Together, they gave gifts in memory of friends and neighbours and benefitted the hospital (and themselves) through a charitable gift annuity. John volunteered at the hospital through the Golden K for 10 years. After Dorothy passed...
John and Dorothy MacLeod
Vernon Macmillan, Lion's Head
Bruce Peninsula residents are blessed with excellent Doctors, Nurses and support staff at hospitals in Lion's Head and Wiarton. Many people contribute financially or volunteer of their time to make our hospital care the envy of those in large centers. Recently, our community embraced a campaign which honored my late wi...

Carolyn Frances Mack Nursing Education Fund
Southampton Hospital has a high priority need for nursing education. Hospital operating budget constraints only permit the minimum required training opportunities. The Carolyn Frances Mack Nursing Education Fund was established in November, 2009 to assist Nurses with education and training in Palliative, Cardiac Care a...
Carolyn Frances Mack