Developers are encouraged to present innovative ideas that align with the priorities outlined in the Downtown Master Plan. Proposals must include an affordable housing component, and should consider inclusion of the following:
- Childcare and accompanying green space;
- Commercial/retail units with residential units above; and
- Contribution to enhance the Town-owned youth park at 137 James Street (optional value-add) to enhance the neighbourhood.
Interested developers are asked to submit proposals by 4 p.m. on Monday, March 3. Late submissions will not be considered. Developers can propose to either purchase or lease the property and are encouraged to visit the location to review site conditions and the surrounding area.
The Town will evaluate proposals and make recommendations to Town Council to authorize the selection of a developer and associated terms. All submissions should reflect the best terms and include conceptual drawings, proposed timelines, financial proformas, and references.
For more information, visit