Grey County Warden Brian Milne has been acclaimed for another year in the position.
The Southgate Mayor served as Warden this past year, and will continue in the role in 2024. Wardens are chosen to lead county council each year. Milne also served as warden in 2014.
Milne has served as an elected official in Southgate since 2003, including a previous term as mayor. This is his fourth term on Grey County Council.
Milne’s closing address at the November 23rd meeting talked about work being done to support the vulnerable members of the community. He noted the county provided 13,000 nights of emergency shelter for people and also worked with partners to establish an overnight warming centre at Safe N’ Sound.
He highlighted the growth of the SOS program which is part of the work Grey County Paramedic Services do alongside community partners connecting vulnerable people with healthcare, meals, mental health care, and other supports and noted
Grey County’s first supportive transitional housing centre at 14th street in Owen Sound is set to open soon.
The County’s community paramedicine home visitation program has grown to more than 450 patients. Milne said, “Just think of the impact that makes for the people who need it.”
Milne also pointed out this November marked the first anniversary of the Early Learning Hub at the Sydenham Campus.
With regard to long-term care homes, Milne said, “We’ve also made important decisions to move forward the Rockwood Terrace redevelopment project, confirming high quality long-term care will continue being offered in southern Grey County for decades to come.”
He highlighted the opening of the Markdale hospital and Grey County’s $1 million contribution to it, as well as a $1 million commitment to support mental health and addiction services at the Brightshores Wellness and Recovery Centre.
Other accomplishments Milne noted include council’s endorsement of the County’s latest Economic Development, Tourism and Culture Master Plan and the opening of the Arnott General store in Moreston Heritage Village, two major reconstruction projects, on Grey Road 18 and Grey Road 7 and 19.5 kilometres of asphalt overlays completed on Grey Roads 2 and 19.
Milne says the County also advocated to the provincial government on issues such as long-term care funding, homecare support, affordable and attainable housing, and funding for supportive housing services.
“We will continue to advocate, making sure our residents’ voices are heard on these important matters.” Said Milne.
He added, “We still have a lot of work ahead of us. I know we have more challenges to overcome but I have complete confidence we will meet those challenges.”