West Grey is going to consider sending a letter supporting the Neustadt Natural Gas Expansion project this week.
Council will be reviewing a recommendation from Director of Legislative Services and Clerk Jamie Eckenswiller to send a letter of support to Enbridge Gas for the expansion project.
The report says Enbridge Gas will soon be filing a Leave to Construct (LTC) application with the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) and the company is requesting a letter of support from the municipality to include with their submission to the board.
Enbridge Gas is currently in the process of completing a natural gas expansion project in the Village of Neustadt, and as part of it, the company needs to file a LTC.
It is part of a regulatory review to determine if a hydrocarbon pipeline project meets the criteria of the OEB and is in public interest.
The project aims to connect almost 220 homes, farms and businesses in Neustadt to natural gas.
Council will be considering this item during its meeting on Tuesday at 9 a.m.