The Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation campaign to “Bring Tom to Town” is receiving support from another local realtor.
The foundation says Brian Shular from the Sutton Huron Shores Realty Inc. Group and his team, made a five-year-pledge of $25,000 to support the CT scanner fundraising campaign.
This follows after the foundation recently received a $20,000 pledge from local realtor Doug Johnston, who challenged other realtors to support the campaign.
Shular says the community is very appreciative of what the hospital and staff provide to the area, and the Sutton-Huron Shores Realty team appreciates the opportunity to make this commitment.
“Again, we would like to thank the hospital staff, for what you do on a daily basis and the ongoing vision of the future requirements of this community. We are all so lucky to be part of this awesome community,” says Shular.
The $3 million campaign for the CT scanner kicked off in late October, and the fundraising has now reached $1.5 million.
The foundation says Executive Director Tracy Murray is hopeful area businesses will join Team Tom in the coming months to bring the life saving and much needed CT scanner to Bruce County.
People or businesses who are interested into helping the campaign reach its $3 million goal, can send in donations via mail, or call their office, buy CT scanner lottery tickets, business sponsorships, or create their own fundraiser.
More details can be found on the Bring Tom To Town website.