The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has issued a Flood Watch bulletin for the Black River in Bracebridge which is in effect until March 26. A flood watch indicates the potential for flooding within specific watercourses and municipalities.
Current Conditions
Runoff to local lakes and rivers has increased significantly with recent rainfall, snow melt and warm weather. As a result, higher than normal water levels and flow conditions may develop throughout the area and residents are reminded to keep a close watch on weather conditions and exercise caution near fast-moving rivers and streams.
Property owners that have been affected by high water and flow conditions in the past should continue to take necessary action to protect and secure vulnerable property in proximity to rivers and lakes and closely monitor developing conditions. Lower-lying portions of known flood-prone areas may be impacted to various degrees.
The Flood Outlook bulletin for the Muskoka River Watershed remains in effect until March 21.