Nomadsoul1 / Depositphotos.com
The Grey Sauble Conservation is issuing a flood watch for its watershed.
The conservation says given the warmer temperature melting the snowpack, fields and low-lying areas are experiencing significant ponding and overland runoff flow.
Additionally, small watercourses and drainage ditches are becoming overwhelmed from the snowmelt leading to localized flooding situations.
“Water levels in these systems are expected to rise above typical spring runoff levels. There is the potential for unusual riverine flooding depending on the amount of rain that the watershed receives and the amount of snow still remaining,” says the conservation in a release.
Landowners in known flood prone areas are advised to monitor their situation and be prepared in case of flooding.
The conservation also recommends staying away from riverbanks and fast moving water.
The organization will continue to monitor the situation and provide additional flood messages as needed.
The statement expires on March 18 at 1 p.m.