Northern Bruce Peninsula is going to review the comments received from residents on the municipal Short-Term Accommodation (STA) Licensing Program.
The comments are part of a review into the licensing program which began last year, which included eight potential program changes.
The topic was put on the municipal engagement website Let’s Talk NBP, where residents could indicate their support or opposition to each proposed change for the 2025 program year.
About 50 people took part in the conversations and 81 comments were received.
The proposed changes include:
-Including development control zones as eligible zones for STAs. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
-Include a requirement for property owners or managers to post their contact information at the end of STA laneways to enable direct communication. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
-Outline the process for property owners to regain their licences after revocation, as well as penalties for non-compliance if reinstatement is granted. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
-Include wording to clarify the responsibility of property owners to ensure their licence is valid. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
-Include a procedure for submitting complaints. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
-Outlining the timeline associated with needing a new application after the previous licence expires. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
-Include a waitlist policy if applications for STAs received exceed the cap of 500. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
-Remove class C licences from the program. The majority of the responses say it should be included.
Council will review the comments received during its meeting on Jan. 27 at 1 p.m. and potentially provide direction around the implementation of the eight changes.