The Launch Pad Skills Training and Technology Centre’s board in Hanover has approved dissolving the corporation.
The decision to dissolve immediately was made at a special meeting on Jan. 7 and cancelled all programs as of Jan. 15. Those who made payments will be fully reimbursed.
The organization says the volunteer board of directors did not take this decision lightly and comes as a result of financial pressures over the past several years.
“Launch Pad, like many not-for-profit organizations in Ontario, is facing challenges of rising costs, limited resources, and regulatory changes. Attracting and retaining talent for operations and instructing programs, managing grants, and maintaining significant donations and donor relations has also contributed to making this difficult decision,” says the organization in a release.
The organization provided a facility for youth and young adults between the ages of 12 and 29 to develop skills needed for future employment, as well as help the youth develop their strengths and explore their interests.
Since its inception in 2015, the organization says it has served over 2,000 youth and formed partnerships with over 30 local businesses.
“The board would like to thank all current and previous board members, volunteers and employees of Launch Pad. Each one of you put your heart and soul into the organization and truly made a difference for the youth of our community. Thank you,” says the organization.