Some stats from Grey County’s economic development department give a snapshot of the business community in Grey County by the numbers.
A third-quarter report from Economic Development Manager Savanna Myers to the County’s Planning and Economic Development Advisory Committee earlier this month says there are about 12,981 businesses in Grey County.
The report separates that into categories showing the highest number are in real estate, rental and leasing at 2,249 followed by 1,838 in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting. That’s followed by construction at 1,403 and then professional, scientific and tech businesses at 1,022.
There are 779 retail businesses according to the County, 553 manufacturing, and 365 accommodation and food businesses.
Separated by municipality, the Town of the Blue Mountains is listed as having the most businesses at 2,485 followed by Owen Sound at 2,129 and then Grey Highlands at 1,996. Chatsworth Township had the smallest number of businesses at 707. That was followed by, Meaford (1,397), Hanover (1,150), Georgian Bluffs (1111), Southgate (1,046), and West Grey (960).
Meanwhile, a job fair result update from the event held February 14th at the Bayshore says 52 people were hired directly from the job fair. There were 99 employer and service provider booths, and 725 job seekers. 147 of them were from outside the region. Two post job fair events were held to follow up and see how things went after the job fair. Among 18 of the employers who responded to a survey, 71 candidates were interviewed.
The County also partnered with the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) to host a job fair in March. It saw 187 job seekers get to know about 15 nuclear suppliers.
15 businesses received Starter Company Plus Grants and 7 received Summer Company grants.