Grey County councillors are looking for more information about Battery Energy Storage Systems, after a presentation implied they could pose fire hazards.
A presentation from Grey Highlands Councillor Tom Alwood of the Multi-Municipal Energy Working Group highlighted some concerns the group of elected offiicals has flagged after about six months of research into the systems.
There are a few Battery Energy Storage Systems proposed around Grey Bruce and local levels of government are looking at whether they want to allow them or support them.
Bruce County council also received a similar presentation recently.
Chatsworth Mayor Scott Mackey noted the Ontario Fire Marshall is not due to release a report on BESS systems and safety requirements like setbacks for another six months, adding, “I find it hard to believe that we would consider giving support when the fire marshall hasn’t even provided us with the proper setback.”
Councillor Barbara Dobreeen noted, “We all know that we need storage for our renewable enegery, we just need to do it safely.”
Council will wait for a staff report they hope will provide more clarity on the systems and what considerations Grey County should take in any decisions they might make on the technology.