Meaford is going to consider awarding an over $980,000 tender for the rehabilitation of Bayshore Road, near Leith.
Council will be receiving a report from Director of Financial Services and Treasurer Valerie Manning during a meeting this week, recommending awarding the tender to Harold Sutherland Construction for the work.
The report says the scope of the contract is for about 1,030 meters of the road, starting from Grey Road 15 and heading north.
The work will include pulverizing the existing road surface, replacing and installing new culverts, construction of ditches, paving asphalt, and more.
Through communication with residents, the report says people have voiced concern with deformities in the existing road surface, traffic claming, and pedestrian use of the roadway. To address these concerns, the deformities will be dealt with through the reconstruction of the roadway, bollards will be used for physical traffic calming, and will be removed during the winter months to allow for snow removal, and staff recommend working with the contractor during construction to create a small paved shoulder to deal with pedestrian use of the roadway.
Three bids were received for the project, and Harold Sutherland Construction was the least expensive.
The 2023 capital budges includes $1.2 million for contract administration, construction inspection, construction, and a contingency allowance for the project. Staff are recommending the surplus from the construction portion be kept as additional contingency funds.
Construction is anticipated to be completed later this summer and into the fall season.
Council will be considering this item during its meeting on July 24 at 1 p.m.