CMHA Grey Bruce (Photo by Nathan Shubert)
The Walk For Courage fundraiser is returning to Owen Sound for its second year next weekend.
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Grey Bruce says the walk, set for July 15, came a result of the loss of Jeff Courage, a former Owen Sound resident, to suicide in 2019 at the age of 21 while attending Western University.
“The walk was created to encourage all of us to take steps to a better tomorrow. This could include learning more about mental health, learning more about resources available in your community and by taking time to connect and check in with each other, such as over a leisurely five kilometre walk,” says the CMHA in a release.
All the funds raised from the walk will go towards the CMHA Grey Bruce Mental health and Addiction Services Youth Awareness programs.
The Youth Awareness programs include the Grey Bruce Friends and Neighbours Club, which assists children between the ages of five and 11, as well as the Let’s Talk and Talk Today program for youth 12-year-old and above.
“The Youth Awareness team also provides education programs such as public speaking presentations, Mental Health First Aid, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training and SafeTALK – Suicide Alertness for Everyone,” says the CMHA.
There is no fee to register for the event which opens at 9 a.m., with registration and the walk starting at 9:30 a.m. The trail will follow the pedestrian-friendly trails from Owen Sound Fitness and Training to the Bayshore Community Centre and back.
The CMHA says the first annual event more than doubled last year’s goal, raising over $12,000. The goal for this year is set at $10,000.
More information about the walk can be found on the CMHA website here.