A pond sits empty at the bird sanctuary at Harrison Park in Owen Sound one day after nearly all resident birds and waterfowl were euthanized. (Matt Hermiz/Bayshore Broadcasting News)
Owen Sound city officials say swans are making their return to Harrison Park following positive tests of avian flu.
Nearly 100 birds and waterfowl in the bird sanctuary at the park were euthanized by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) staff on Sept. 22.
A city official says the six swans that were saved during the euthanization are back at the park and are currently in cages for their protection.
The city official adds the swans were reintroduced to the area within the past couple of days as the CFIA would have undergone control measures before bringing the birds back.
“They would have quarantined them long enough to believe that they wouldn’t be carrying the virus,” says the official.
The official adds their main focus has been cleaning up the sanctuary and ensuring the birds are protected before considering next steps, including bringing even more birds to the park.
The Harrison Park swans are descendants of the original six swans gifted to then-Mayor Elias Lemon from King George V in 1912.