The Saugeen Shores Planning Committee is going to consider recommending council authorize $40,000 for the creation of a flood hazard map.
The committee will be receiving a report by Supervisor of Development Services Jay Pausner today, recommending council approve the funds for the map under the upcoming provincial Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program.
The report says this new program is expected to be launched by the Ontario government to assist in creating updated mapping. Conservation authorities would work with other partners to be able to access this funding, with each partner covering 50 per cent of the costs.
The report recommends the town partner with the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) to share the costs of this project to make sure the flood hazard map is up-to-date and accurate.
The report says to be able to successfully facilitate appropriate growth, the town needs to be able to critically examine the lands that may or may not be developable as a result of flood hazards, or are susceptible to flooding.
The report says Southampton’s flood hazard map was last updated in 1992, while Port Elgin has never had its mapping completed.
It is anticipated as a result of inflation, the municipality would contribute a maximum of $40,000 towards the project to cover half the costs and ensure it does not exceed $80,000.
The $40,000 would be covered from development charges and tax stabilization reserves.