Site plan image of Smart Centres development in Kincardine. (submitted photo)
Kincardine council has approved a zoning amendment to allow for a new mixed-used development that will include several apartment buildings, a retirement residence, and commercial and office spaces.
The proposed development by Smart Centres will be located on a 54-acre property east of Highway 21 in Kincardine, according to a release.
Phase 1 of the development includes a three-storey, 45-unit residential apartment building south of the Marriott Hotel, off of Milliennium Way.
The entire development proposes 11 apartment buildings, a retirement facility and commercial and office units.
“With the announcement of the MTO upgrades at Highway 21 intersections earlier this fall, council was pleased to approve the Smart Centres zoning amendment, as this will open up additional lands for development east of Highway 21,” says Kincardine Mayor Gerry Glover in a statement. “The municipality has invested heavily in water and sewer infrastructure upgrades over the past few years to service these lands, so it’s exciting to see development proposals moving ahead.”
A public meeting for the development application was held in July and no formal objections were submitted.
A decision on the application was deferred until comments from the MTO had been received.
The zoning by-law amendment is now subject to a 20-day appeal period.