Image from Twitter @CityOwenSound
The seasonal installation of Noma lights will result in the closure of parts of 2nd Avenue East for a few hours each morning from Tuesday to Friday this week.
Owen Sound city officials advise staff will be installing the lights over four mornings, closing one block at a time to minimize disruptions to visitors and businesses in the River District.
The Noma lights installation work will begin on Tuesday, resulting in the closure of the 700 block of 2nd Avenue East from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
The work will continue on Wednesday in the 800 block of 2nd Avenue East, on Thursday in the 900 block and wrap up Friday in the 1000 block.
Blocks will re-open upon completion of installation.
The installation schedule is from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. each day.
All intersections from 7th Street East to 11th Street East will remain open.