Thanks to the funding from the Community Well-Being program, provided by South Bruce Council and the Nuclear Waste Management Organization, renovation work can move forward on the Belmore Community Centre.
Recently a cheque for $20,000 was presented to the arena board.
The Belmore Arena Board requested support from the municipality in a letter to council citing the challenges with their fundraising efforts given the impacts of the Covid-19
They noted that thousands of dollars had been lost with the inability to host large events throughout the year such as the Maple Syrup Festival, wing nights, and weddings.
The funding will help the volunteers in Belmore move forward with a number of renovations including upgrades to the dressing rooms and painting of several rooms in the multi-purpose facility.
The Community Centre includes an ice rink, curling rink, change rooms, meeting room, full kitchen and large community hall.
Every year the NWMO contributes to the Community Well-Being fund, which is administered by council and intended to support the community’s continued efforts to build sustainability and well-being.
The fund also exists to support capacity-building for the community to participate in discussions to explore partnership with the NWMO, through the development of transferrable
The NWMO is currently investigating the viability of a DGR in South Bruce to store used nuclear fuel.