The Canadian Steam Ship Line (CSL) motor vessel Frontenac is expected to depart the ADM grain dock in Midland Bay this morning.
It arrived a couple of days ago and all ice surface users should stay well clear of the area.
The Unites States Coast Guard (USCG) cutter Katmai Bay entered Midland Bay yesterday and has commenced ice breaking activities in the Midland Bay area.
It is also expected that the CSL motor vessel Baie Comeau will be re-entering Midland Bay for winter layup on or about January 8, 2021.
For more details on the ice-breaking operation, please click here.
Remember the “1-10-1 Rule” before venturing onto the ice. You have 1 minute to catch your breath, 10 minutes of active movement and 1 hour to get rescued. But what if you have no way to call for help, or we are more than an hour away? This #HolidaySeason, remember #NoIceIsSafeIce
— Ontario Provincial Police (@OPP_News) December 26, 2020