Saugeen Shores is taking part in a pilot project for an expanded polystyrene / Styrofoam (EPS) recycling program.
It’s set to begin in January 2021 and will last for at least one year.
According to a Town Staff Report, the Town used to have an EPS recycling program at the Southampton Landfill but it had to cancel it in August of 2016 due to the loss of a receiver.
The report says, “Staff understand the importance of this program in diverting material from the landfill and with that, staff investigated other possibilities for EPS recycling, but none came to fruition.”
However, they say municipalities in Bruce County were approached early in 2020 by Second Wind Recycling to try the recycling pilot program.
Second Wind has purchased a densifier and set it up as a mobile unit that can be operated at any landfill site. According to Town staff, the project’s success will depend partially on the number of municipalities that sign up.
So far, they say it’s been well received by municipalities in Bruce County.
The program will start in the first week of January. The program is expected to cost $6,000 a year and is in the 2021 Operations Budget under diversion.
Expect to see messaging about what can and can’t be recycled in local ads soon.