TC Energy says that the proposed Pumped Storage Facility that could be built on Meaford base would be one of the largest climate change initiatives in the country.
During their open house presentation on December 11th, TC representatives state that the facility would reduce CO2 emissions by nearly 500,000 tonnes/year.
TC Energy says that this is the equivalent of taking 150,000 cars off Ontario roads.
They say that the facility could also be used as a generator in the event of a power interruption, adding resiliency to the Ontario power grid.
TC says in a Community Information Booklet, that can be found on their website, that there are still environmental factors with unknown risks.
One of the largest concerns expressed by many residents, including members of the Save Georgian Bay group, is the possible impacts on millions of fish.
TC addresses this in their booklet saying “baseline data will be used to understand site-specific conditions for fish and fish habitat to inform project design and to minimize potential negative effects.”
They outline in a diagram that their fish protection strategy would work in three parts:
1. Avoid
2. Minimize
3. and Offset
They say that many of the environmental factors will be identified and addressed when the environmental impact studies are completed later in the projects life.
The timeline for the proposed project puts the anticipated plant opening sometime in 2027, providing the project moves beyond these early stages.